Please select your country:
Direct Deposit
Bank: Commonwealth Bank Australia
Account Name: Global Development Group
BSB: 064 118
Account Number: 102 000 94
Reference: Your name & J1075N
For your deposit reference, please use your name and 'J1075N', and email these details along with the deposit date, amount, and your address to info@globaldevelopment.org.au
Step 1: “Global Development Group: Project J1075N”
Step 2: Unless listed on your cheque enclose the following details:
a) Your email address (for receipting purposes only)
b) Sunrise Cambodia J1075N
c) The name and address to mail the receipt to (or email)
Step 3: Post your cheque & note to:
Global Development Group
PO Box 651 Rochedale South
QLD 4123 Australia
Sunrise Cambodia is a partner for Project J1075N with Global Development Group (GDG; ABN 57 102 400 993). GDG is a charitable Non Government Organisation [NGO] carrying out humanitarian projects with approved partners and providing aid to relieve poverty. Gifts over $2 are tax deductible in the USA, Australia, and over $5 in New Zealand. In the UK, eligible donors can claim Gift Aid. All donations are received subject to GDG's donation and privacy policy (www.gdg.org.au/policy). If excess funds are received they may be applied to other approved project activities.
Sunrise Cambodia partners with respected institutions in a variety of countries to ensure your donations are safe, secure, and processed with the utmost confidence and care.